According to Dr Tom: “I am amazed to see how people waste precious time in their lives attaining nothing but regrets. If I had one wish it would be for people to find the time to understand and rectify the root cause when having difficulty in relationships. This would diminish the pain and increase the sense that life is valuable”.
Dr. Tom’s aspiration with this website is to make counselling affordable to all people; to expose a new way for people to discover themselves by talking to one another, to love and care for one another and to find real love and closeness in a relationship. It is important to speak about things that nobody wants to talk about and to overlook what the majority says about things. Grant them the privilege to establish what matters the most.
Dr Tom is a professional counsellor and has been for over forty-one years. The empathy and passion that he has for people is the driving force in his life. His mission is to: “Leave people in a better state than I found them in.” This is evident in the emotional and spiritual lives of many of his clients.
For the past thirty years he has been practicing as a management consultant for many top companies in South Africa and internationally. He has demonstrated his ability to strategically integrate operational systems and people processes to provide building blocks for high-performance companies in the new century.
He studied at the University of Pretoria, where he obtained three degrees and concluded his doctorate in counselling. Dr Tom is a qualified marketer, minister, social worker, counsellor, pilot, and author.
Having suffered a few setbacks such as heart bypass surgery and a stroke, he can guide you to overcome setbacks in times when you want to surrender. He always acknowledges: “Without God’s help none of this would be possible.”
He is a registered social worker and a qualified career counsellor.
DPhil. (SW), MA (MW), BA (MW), DIPL. Theology, DIPL. Human Resources, CERT. Marketing Management.